How to diversify your offline to online business?

How to diversify your offline to online business?

Please note: This model can be used by any countries and cities. So we have given names of Indian cities

Suppose have you shop in Mumbai selling fans, chairs, tables, fashion etc

Now you want to make another shop in cities like Ahmedabad and Bhopal or any other countries.

As you have low budget you cannot spend lakhs on creating new shop or hiring people.

You will now hire us to transform your entire O2O business. Consultation charges extra.

Just add one small office and 4 employees. No need to hire managers or rent in premium location.

Your staff cost is low. Hire local staff as it can give better communication and sales.

According to IDC, global investment in digital transformation will grow at a compound annual rate of 17.1 percent, reaching a staggering $2.3 trillion (53 percent of all ICT spending) by 2023. The United States will be the largest spenders in the digital transformation space, followed by Europe and then China and India.

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You can hire few staff have and we will give them complete assistance (cost extra).

Your customers in any city where you have your small stores an watch reviews of your earlier customers and videos of your brands on your site.

They can scan on your store on QR codes, choose the products & shop online.

You get your full commision and all the profits without paying to big companies who can take your commissions.

Their products can be delivered in their home with free shipping anywhere in India or other countries even you do not have your offices.

10% discount on regular clients. As you are not spending more money you can get a higher profits.

Just like you are booking a movie ticket/ sports ticket in city Ahmedabad and then watch on city Bhopal.

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