100% privacy policy. We don’t allow clients details and site details to other clients.You can get our demos. This keep your brand name or product name safe from copyright information and against any false suggestions.
We serve industries in Beauty, Fashion, Colleges, Hospitality, Media, Events, Ecommerce, Real estate, OTT sites
As per United Nations Conference on Trade & Development, post lockdowns became the new normal, businesses and consumers increasingly “went digital”, providing and purchasing more goods and services online, raising e-commerce’s share of global retail trade from 14% in 2019 to about 17% in 2020
It was affordable as compared to the previos company. The support is excellent & on time delivery before the extimated days. I bought shopify combo & social media expert.
Affordable & best ecommerce consulations. I bought ecommerce combo & social media expert. I got on time delivery and 100% besr guidance
Best social media marketing for medium companies and very quick.
Our company is new and i was unable to find suitable people who can do our jobs. We do not have any funding so we outsourced our web design & social media marketing tasks to this company. Everything was good even the guidance was excellent as not got from other companies. We have saved 80% of staff cost & also rent cost as we bought DMP Shopify pack entirely provided our details & fees to this company and they are managing our site & social media.
I contacted to do shopify store for my business. I had less staff so i tried to outsource all the tasks and also my Advertising. I got the ebook and purchased th DMP shopify & Facebook Ads packs. It was great as it saved my money and also given discount on other packs. I also paid for the social media management pack. I got the best fees, time delivery & best guidance.
I likes always wordpress for its great SEO so i also given a site design for DMP Mojo Combo . I added AI using my own CRM. The design was excellent and also best price.
*For price above $400
Refund to be taken before we start your service.
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